Biostimulant – Bio-nutrient based on LPE,
Amino acids, Chitosan and Salicylic Acid.
Liquid Suspension / Use Foliar / Fertirriego / Drench
Biostimulant – Bio-nutrient based on LPE,
Amino acids, Chitosan and Salicylic Acid.
Liquid Suspension / Use Foliar / Fertirriego / Drench
LedaFens combines the action of 4 powerful products, among which we have a biostimulant based on marine animal amino acids (salmon), LPE, chitosan and salicylic acid, increasing the size of the fruit, and generating a significant energy saving for the crop; reduces dehydration and extends fruit shelf life.
It acts as an inducer of defenses (chitosan), also as biofungicide, putting at the disadvantage phytopathogens and as elicitor for the accumulation of phytoalexins. The incorporation of phospholipids (LPE) helps to standardize the color of the fruit, since it improves the activity of the enzyme PAL (Phenylalanine ammonium lyase) responsible for the synthesis of anthocyanins, managing to concentrate the crop, increase soluble solids, in addition reduces the rate of respiration and dehydration of the fruit, increasing its post-harvest life. Finally, it contains salicylic acid which plays a very important role for culture in inducing acquired systemic resistance (SAR) to diseases.
Direct nutritional intake of highly assimilated amino acids, generating considerable energy savings for the plant.
Great support during the phases of elevated metabolic activity (transplanting, budding, flowering, fructification, among others).
It mitigates and delays the negative effect caused by Ethephon and ABA, having firmer, turbulent and fresh fruits, thus reducing dehydration and post-harvest rot.
Elicitor for the accumulation of phytoalexins in tissues.
It increases and unifies the color of the fruits, resulting in a higher concentration of the harvests, making fewer harvest passes.
It induces local and systemic Acquired Systemic Resistance (SAR) to diseases.
It increases the concentration of the acidic enzyme Invertases, whereby the plant responds by moving more sucrose into the cells, the result of which is the increase of soluble solids.
Ledafens is a powerful biostimulant and bionutrient composed of 4 powerful products: amino acids, chitosan, phospholipids and salicylic acid. Combination in perfect balance of nutrition, elicitor of defenses and fruit condition improver in post harvest.
For more information contact us, we will put you in touch with the agronomist representative of the area.
Do not apply in hours of great insolation or high temperature. Foliar fertilization is complementary to basic fertilization. Use in conjunction with a non-ionic, non-polar surfactant at a concentration of 0,5-1%. ph optimal application 5,0 to 6,0 .
Do not mix with products of extreme alkaline reaction. It is compatible with phytosanitary products, however it is recommended to carry out field application tests first.
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